Sunday, September 28, 2014

Outside the art studio!

Stopped out to the game to support my niece and found these guys before the tackling happened.  Uniforms are still sparkly. 

Go Warriors!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

6th grade Mandalas

"The word "mandala" is from the classical Indian language of Sanskrit. Loosely translated to mean "circle," a mandala is far more than a simple shape. It represents wholeness, and can be seen as a model for the organizational structure of life itself--a cosmic diagram."
"Describing both material and non-material realities, the mandala appears in all aspects of life: the celestial circles we call earth, sun, and moon, as well as conceptual circles of friends, family, and community."
In the Hiawatha art studio students are learning about the world around them.  Exploring cultures and community. Students are featured below creating an individual project but working as groups sharing ideas and supplies.  They are learning to be supportive of each other and give constructive criticism.  They are also learning about symmetry, patterns, using a ruler to measure cm, and folding paper to create equal parts. They are using variety of lines and infusing their own personal likes.
This year is exciting for me because I have prior knowledge of the student's abilities and personalities.  I feel connected to them and respected.  They are a great group of students.  Hiawatha is home!
Enjoy a peek in to the art studio.
Mrs. Snyder's class

Mrs. Young's class